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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Daddy as a Kid!

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If the baby is a boy... here's what he might look like at 15 LOL... notice what a great speller Kevin is!!

Yes, it could be a boy - the report that it's a girl has been retracted by the people who originally reported it.


Found this on Conversations About Famous People...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Dear Britney,


I have an idea for a show... "Fat Pop Star Who Married Her Loser Backup Dancer And Reproduced And Now She Needs A New TV Show Because He Hosed Her For All She Had"...

Call me in 6 months, and did I mention - THEY HAVE CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!

Love and Milkshakes,
Kirstie Alley

Dear BitBit,

You're going to be a big sister! My mommy is making you and your little sister custom "that's hot" tee-shirts, but I really don't think your mommy will be allowed to wear one because she isn't that hot anymore. Maybe if she showers...

Have you seen the jewelry I designed? And did I mention I have a book?

What have you been doing lately - besides peeing and pooping all over your tacky little "dog's crib?"

Anyway, I hope your mommy and daddy change the baby's diaper more often than they take you out to go potty.

Ooh, sorry, didn't mean to be rude - but I AM a bitch!


Hi Britney!

Justin and I are SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Seriously, we really are.

I am so sorry I got all pissy at Justin when you called him a few months ago. I couldn't imagine why you'd be calling but now I get it. I have to admit I was a little suspicious that maybe there was still something between you guys...

But now I am completely sure there's not a snowball's chance in hell he'll ever go back to you, so call anytime - we're here for you!!

Oh, and can I recommend a good dermatologist?


Dear Britney,

I just heard it's a girl!


I guess I'll save the warm milk and cookies and space in my sweet bed for someone else...

I would, however, be more than willing to dangle your first born off that balcony you are always hanging out on.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Your letters...

So I have this fun graphic all set up... but I need your help...

I have read tons of message boards and comments and emails about the whole Britney thing, so I want to post letters to her here...

Submit yours to and I will post them... either written by you or as a celebrity LOL.

I have some I need to get up here... so check back soon and contribute if you feel like it... I get so many funny emails that I want to post stuff here!

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Dear Britney,

Thank you so much for allowing us to live our lives
again. We look forward to the weekly updates in US, I
am sure the public will appreciate the love you are
ready to share with your new baby, "BritBrit".

--Nick and Jessica